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Jun 2024
Noah Miller
Los Angeles
United States
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ZERO is a psychological sci-fi short film in the tradition of Solaris, Lost, Annihilation, and many others. During his residency, Noah developed a full script, 22 minute animatic, and completed the Station Zero Orientation video, which plays on-station as a diegetic intro video early in the film. The goal is to create a 20 minute animated film utilizing live actors in concert with AI models to create vid2vid animations that replicate a traditional animation pipeline but allow for the fidelity of emotional human performances. As of July, 2024, ZERO is still in production with ongoing support from Late Night Labs.

Tara has been assigned to ZERO, one of fifty Structure Research Outposts throughout the world. The SROs study the "Structures" strange massive featureless objects that dot the world, discovered between the 1711 and 1892. They were originally a curiosity but after hundreds of years keeping their secrets they've been largely ignored.

Assignment to ZERO, the arctic station, is something of a punishment for the acerbic and insular Tara, who must spend six months with her chipper partner Rick, in the antiquated research base.

After her first week she finds the base to be in disrepair, and the work to be mind numbing, and Rick to be grating. Until his personality shifts, and she discovers he's been communicating with something inside the Structure.

After an argument over procedure, Rick "Ricky", becoming increasingly distressed destroys much of the bases' equipment and walks out in the arctic, freezing himself to death.

Tara is left alone, unable to contact anyone and with only the entity to talk to, with its true motivations a mystery. She finds herself opening up to it, admitting she needs companionship and falling under its influence. She too walks into the snow, only she approaches The Structure, and a passage slides open allowing her to enter.

Four months later a team arrives to find the station long abandoned.

The goal of this project is to marry the look of traditional animated films with the more naturalistic performance of actors working together... the collaborative aspect of filmmaking is incredibly important to me and more than anything it's a human process.
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A glimpse from the studio, as these ideas came to life...
Noah Miller (b. 1985) is a Los Angeles-based writer, director, and animator dedicated to the art of storytelling. Teaching at the California College of Arts and co-owning The Opposition Party production company, Noah brings his expertise to both the classroom and the industry. A graduate of the American Film Institute (AFI), his work reflects a nuanced understanding of narrative craft. With a focus on storytelling, Noah's films showcase his commitment to the subtle art of cinematic expression.
©Civitai 2024